Hi! We’re The Zamoras! Michael, Milady, Mariana, Miguel & Manuel. I know, all the Ms, right?
It’s been over half a year that our life was turned upside down. Our little girl growing up, playing, jumping, learning jiu-jitsu, playing basketball with daddy and living what we’d considered a normal life. One day, while mommy was bathing Mariana, she saw a bump protruding from her belly…after mom shared a photo of the bump, EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY CHANGED!
After a biopsy was done, it confirmed our worst fear: it was cancer! So it began. Doctor, oncologist, and surgeon appointments ensued. Many hospital stays, many treatment visitations, many crying nights, many what-ifs, many feelings and emotions that shook our core, however there was one thing that never wavered: our Faith.
We knew faithfully that all heavy trials have greater purpose. We prayed, fasted and sought guidance. One thing for sure we knew: All things are possible to those who believe. We believed and our prayers were answered! MARIANA BEAT CANCER! - You can imagine our new tears had a different meaning. We were pressed. We were tested. We hurt…but We remained Faithful and got our victory!
Now we just want to be a blessing to other children battling childhood cancer and their families.
Milady & Michael