Milady Diaz Pomales
The mother. The visionary. The one with the heart of gold. The one that saw day in and day out the ups and downs of how cancer was affecting Mariana’s body. We’ve always believed that there’s got to be bigger purpose of why we go through the things we go through.
After a successful surgery, final treatment and Mariana ringing the bell signaling that it was over, there had to be a way for us to fill the gap, to show love to other kids battling childhood cancer and their families, to show support and lend a helping hand. This is why this non-profit was created.
Michael Zamora
The father. The one that had to show strength. The one that had to continue to make his little princess smile through it all. Ever heard of, “boys don’t cry!” “men don’t cry!” WE CRY! By far one of the toughest seasons and the many crying nights along with mom can prove it but what never waivered was his faith knowing that no matter the ups or the downs, there’s always a victory after a hard fought battle. MARIANA GOT THE VICTORY! MOM AND DAD GOT THE VICTORY! THE FAMILY GOT THE VICTORY! And we just want to be a part of the victory for other kids battling cancer and their families. You are NOT alone!
We believe in your child! We believe in you mom and dad! We believe that you’ll come out of this stronger and more loving than ever before! You will be blessed!
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